In all my time as a photographer, I've never really photographed anything like this. You're sitting there, with a quizzical look on your face, isn't this a wedding? Oh yes, don't be fooled, this is a wedding for sure. This isn't just a get ready and I do kind of wedding. Tears, paintings, a key, at least 10 cars, the stream 'thing', kidnapping of the bride and groom, two best men, new siblings, bigger families, the grand entrance to beat all grand entrances, Batman, lady in red. The list goes on and on.
If I tell one story this is it: There's a key you'll see with Amanda's bouquet it was at an aunt's house an older home with original doors and locksets. There was a key that was on a door frame, just hanging there. It had no lock to go into, or so it was thought. One day that key was taken from it's spot & popped into the door from where it hung. That key, that door, always beside each other, but never tried. They fit.
Amanda & Anthony are that key and door. Always by each other, through common friends, but they never tried. When they did, well, lets say they unlocked a world full of possibilities with each other.
I wish these two lovebirds all the best!
Photos by: Jessica & Melissa